Bad breath, also called halitosis, is triggered by oral bacteria found growing inside the mouth. There are plenty of ordinary symptoms that may alert you that you suffer from halitosis.

If you have a yellow or white film on the top of your tongue, this is often due to bacteria forming as well as an accumulation of mucous that is a result of post nasal drainage. This can be a real sign of halitosis. The film you see is usually more noticeable toward the back of the tongue. Some of the film can be removed from the tongue, but it won’t do away with the halitosis. The worst bacterium in the mouth exists in the saliva, under the gum tissues, and deep within the taste buds of your tongue. This same bacteria can be present throughout the mouth which means that it will take more than cleaning the tongue to get rid of halitosis.

Chronic dry mouth is another symptom of halitosis. Dry mouth will make bad breath much more concentrated in the saliva, and will allow for the odors to evaporate from the mouth much more readily. This will make the odors much more obvious at even further distances from people. When the mouth is dry it also becomes more vulnerable to imbalances in bacterial growth.

Another symptom of halitosis can result in bad tastes in the mouth that are metallic, bitter or sour. In most cases, these are caused by draining sinus pockets, dental infections, medications you may be taking or leakage from dental work or restoration, dry mouth conditions, and post nasal drainage.

Post nasal drainage that is caused from allergies or from the sinuses contain plenty of bacteria. This kind of bacteria is broken down and forms amino acids that can act as a food source for halitosis causing bacteria. This in turn causes halitosis.

Consequently, there are some risk factors that will put you in a higher risk level for developing halitosis.If you have poor oral hygiene habits, this can put you at a risk for halitosis. When you don’t brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis, little pieces of food particles can stay in your mouth. This will eventually cause you to have bad breath. It is also critical that you see a dentist on a fairly regular basis to have the build up on your teeth removed professionally. Sometimes, regular brushing and flossing won’t get rid of all the build up, and this can cause halitosis.

People who use tobacco are at risk for getting periodontal disease and causing a dry mouth condition. This is a disease that causes the gums to be irritated, and you may also notice that you don’t have a good sense of taste any longer. All of these factors can lead to halitosis.

There are some medical conditions that can put you at a higher risk for halitosis. These are chronic bronchitis, chronic cough, kidney disorder, liver disorder, diabetes or respiratory infections.
Now that you know what the symptoms and high risk factors are for halitosis, you can be watchful of this problem. The quicker you discover it, the quicker you can treat it.

About the Author: Dr. Dailley is a bad breath specialist that specializes in curing halitosis. Dr. Dailley received his degree in dentistry from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry and currently practices in the Bay Area. To better serve his international patients, Dr. Dailley established a premier online website where you can you can find remedies for bad breath.