Woman doctor looking at camera while nurses help patient in the background

Chronic Halitosis VS Bad Breath

Halitosis literally means bad breath, but the term is often used to describe a chronic problem. Bad breath is experienced by almost everybody at some point. Eating pungent foods, using poor dental hygiene and other habits can cause bad breath. However, certain conditions can cause foul breath to linger for weeks, months or even years….

Educating Your Children on Good Oral Health

According to the surgeon general, tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease. To prevent your child from having tooth decay and practice great oral care, it’s important for you to educate your child on the importance of their teeth. It can be hard to stay on top of your children to make…

Woman doctor looking at camera while nurses help patient in the background

Medical-Induced Halitosis

 Many people that have halitosis don’t understand where it comes from. They practice superior oral care, have no oral conditions or diseases, stay away from odorous foods and abstain from smoking. In cases like these, many times the halitosis can be explained by medical conditions or diseases the individual has completely unrelated to their mouth….