A portion of my clients are smokers… and for these individuals, one the first thing I recommend is quitting. Quit right now, if not for your lungs and heart, for your breath. Many of my clients insist their halitosis is not – in fact – smoking related. “The smell isn’t smoky,” they insist. Or “I had bad breath even before I smoked.” Or (my favorite), “But the smoke covers up the smell.” (Trust me folks, it doesn’t.) Smoking’s contribution to bad breath is not merely adding the cigarette smell to the mix. The real issue is the oral environment the smoking habit results in. As any knowledgeable halitosis specialist will tell you, the oral environment is one of the key variables in treating halitosis.It’s Dry in Here

A healthy mouth uses saliva to clear away and break down debris, while also neutralizing acids. Mouths that do not have a healthy level of saliva are more prone to tooth decay, bacterial build-up, yeast infections and gum disease, all of which can contribute to bad breath. The dry mouth condition – also known as xerostomia -can be caused by a number of things, from genetics to alcohol to prescription medicine. And yes, smoking also promotes a very dry mouth environment. The result is a place where bacteria thrive, resulting in chronic bad breath.If you struggle to give up smoking – and I understand it is a struggle – consider treating your mouth in the meantime with a dry mouth spray or lozenge. Some individuals also switch to vaporized e-cigarettes, which deliver nicotine through water vapor rather than smoke. While not ideal, it does diminish the dry mouth state.Periodontal Disease Has Nothing to Do with Dinosaurs

Persistent bad breath and a bad taste in your mouth are common warning signs of gum (periodontal) disease. This condition is the result of excessive plague buildup on teeth, which then leads to chronic bacterial buildup that irritates and inflames the gums. It is an unpleasant often painful condition, and according to the American Academy of Periodontology, smoking (and tobacco use in general) is one of the single largest causes of periodontal disease (gum disease).But… It Might Be More than Your Smokes

While smoking is a major contributor to bad breath, it may not be the only variable in your particular halitosis condition. There are a multitude of physiological and biological aspects worth examination. If you have kicked the habit or suspect there is more at play in your particular circumstance, contact the Center for Breath Cure for a free consultation with a halitosis dental specialist. Until you truly identify the underlying causes of your bad breath, you cannot fully cure halitosis, so it is critical you visit a specialist so that they can determine the underlying medical or physiological reasons for your condition.If you need help quitting smoking, there are a number of fantastic programs available to help you kick the habit. I recommend visiting The American Cancer Society’s Guide to quitting smoking or speaking with your physician about your smoking cessation options. About Dr. Dailley: Dr. Dailley has been practicing dentistry since 1981 and founded the Center for Breath Treatment in 1996. He holds a degree in Cell & Molecular Biology from San Francisco State University as well as a Dental Degree from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. Dr. Dailley performs on-going research on medical approaches for getting rid of bad breath. Visit Dr. Dailley, the bad breath dentist with a 99% success rate.

11 comments. Leave new

I agree that smoking results to bad breath. You can smell it even from a far.

Belinda Moore
April 13, 2012 11:02 am

Bad breath is caused by poor dental health habits. If you don't brush and floss your teeth daily, food particles can remain in your mouth. These promote bacterial growth between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue, causing bad breath.

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Smoking gives you nasty gross breath. Thats just how it works.

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Jake Phillips
April 27, 2012 2:43 am

There is no doubt that smoking is a factor that contribute to bad breath. If you want a healthy body and a healthy breath. Quit smoking. End of story.

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Michael Johnsons
May 7, 2012 1:18 am

Smoking can not only hurt our teeth and gums but overall health as well. The nicotine content of cigarette can cause a lot of respiratory diseases as well as oral diseases.

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May 7, 2012 5:32 am

There are truly a number of ways to avoid smoking and to stop it finally. It's not an easy process but bad breath is enough reason to stop it.

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Lanielle Bernadette Smith
May 21, 2012 9:49 am

Smoking does not only places your respiratory system at serious risk. It also causes teeth discoloration and bad breath.

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I agree with the comments and the article, per se. Smoking has a lot of bad effect to the human system including the dental system. Smoking can cause tooth decays and gum diseases that may result to severe inflammation and pain. It is important to stop smoking as soon as possible. In case of pain, you can take pain medication, but you still need to consult your dentist for further work outs.

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Marco Phillipstein
May 23, 2012 9:34 am

The obvious disadvantage of smoking is severe bad breath. If you want to have a healthy mouth and breath, quit smoking. Smoking is obviously harmful not just in oral health but your overall health as well.

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Jade Turner
June 4, 2012 8:47 am

I agree. Most of the people who are into smoking have bad breath. They can always combat bad breath by means of quitting smoking. My Dentist in Toowoomba also advised me to chew gums rich in Xylitol to prevent mouth odor.

Your site has some really helpful information. We invite you to read our articles about oral health topics such as http://www.dentalinsurance.org/tabsContent/Dental_Insurance_Smoking_Oral_Health.aspx.